A nonproductive cough along with shortness of breath, fatigue, and dizziness, are typical symptoms in heart failure resulting from pulmonary congestion, also known as pulmonary edema. It is important to note that while these symptoms may be related to other noncardiac diseases, such as pneumonia, diagnostic tools including a chest x- ray help to rule these out. Pulmonary edema is the build up of fluid in the lungs due to leakage of the surrounding blood vessels, which can lead to difficulties in breathing and the sensation to cough. Treatment options will vary on the severity of your pulmonary congestion, but may include diuretics, which will lower overall blood pressure and reduce the amount of fluid leakage into the lungs. Alternatively, some patients on the class of medications ACE inhibitors can experience a dry cough as a side effect of the medicine. In this case, changing to a related class of medication ARB inhibitors will lead to improvement.
I was diagnosed with heart failure and every now and again have a cough, what can stop the coughing?